83rd Annual AACA Meeting 2019

The 83rd Annual AACA meeting was held from February 7th – 9th in Philadelphia, PA. and the South Jersey Region AACA was well represented. This year the AACA Annual Meeting offered guests the opportunity to not only attend numerous seminars, but the ability to venture a few blocks to the 2019 Philadelphia Auto Show.

Raymond and Judy Fischer headed up a successful trade show and awards banquet. While Fran Shore gave a successful Publications Seminar. Chuck Gibson was master of ceremonies at the President’s Dinner. President Terry Shelton & Miriam Willis represented our region at the President’s Dinner.

Fran Shore and Linda McFarland received awards at the Awards Banquet. Fran achieved Master Editor for co-editing the Buzzards Breath Touring Region newsletter while Linda McFarland also received Master Editor for our South Jersey Region Newsletter and also Master Webmaster for our region’s website.